The Architect Stands Outside of the Universe and Watches (Oldridge x Dall-E)

There is no discernible indication of the direction of time

Matthew Oldridge
2 min readJan 5, 2024


There is no discernible indication of the direction of time.

  • save for the beard whiskers growing out of my face, the hairs sprouting from my nose and ears…
  • a teacup which has shattered on the floor…
  • these (ellipses), which invite me…into the future…

Contrary to expectations, the expansion of the universe-

is nothing for you to worry about &

inevitable & yet…

Something (exists), the fabric of the universe only exists, & the (non-fabric) of the universe also exists:

physical separation of space, faster than gravity

A voice speaks:

you exist, yet, & yet…

Dark energy, dark mass, expansion.

One explanation, from Dr. O, a physics professor:

Dark energy is probably a form of energy that can explain why the universe is expanding, and also speeding up in its expanding. Think of dark energy as the Joker to gravity’s Batman: an anti-force. The cosmic yin and yang. This force might be extending the very fabric of spacetime. A distant and barren future awaits- where celestial objects are flying away from each other, ever faster.



Matthew Oldridge

Writing about creativity, books, productivity, education, particularly mathematics, music, and whatever else “catches my mind”. ~Thinking about things~